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Ethiopian Coffee | Yirgacheffe | Idido

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Fruit Bomb - Cola - Blackberry - Tropical Fruits

Grind Type

A fruit bomb that is sure to impress.

Get ready to be amazed! Ethiopia is, for many, the birthplace of coffee and there is broad consensus on tracing the discovery of coffee to Ethiopia’s highlands as early as the 9th century. With this impressive history and literally thousands of coffee varieties, Ethiopian coffees are incredibly diverse and 100% delicious.

This natural processed Yirgacheffe Idido, Grade 1 is sure to impress with its delicious notes of sweet cola, cooked blackberry and tropical fruits. Totally yummy.

What's the secret behind this Ethiopian coffee's fruity goodness? It's grown at high altitudes in small gardens owned by families around the 'kebele' of Idido in the Yirgacheffe district. After harvesting, the beans are dried with the coffee cherry still intact, which allows for all the incredible flavours and sweetness to seep into each little bean. 

Chocolatey Ethiopian coffee fruity flavour notes Wild & fruity
Mild acidity Ethiopian coffee medium to high acidity coffee Bright
Light roast Ethiopian coffee medium roast coffee Dark roast
coffee bag of Ethiopian coffee by 23 Degrees Coffee Roasters. Delicious fruity cup.
natural processed Ethiopian coffee

More amazing stuff to know.

About this coffee.

  • Grower: Smallholder farmers
  • Origin: Ethiopia, Yirgacheffee, Idido kebele
  • Washing station: Idido
  • Processing method: Natural
  • Varietal: Arabica (Ethiopian Heirloom)
  • Altitude: 1850 - 1880 MASL

Brewing methods that work best for this Ethiopian coffee.

suggested brewing method Ethiopian coffee Yirgacheffe Idido

We roasted this Ethiopian coffee to a medium roast level to achieve a sweeter, more balanced and approachable cup with a good body whilst maintaining its unique origin character. This makes this Ethiopian coffee most versatile so you can enjoy it across various brewing methods: espresso, plunger, batch brew, stovetop, and Aeropress.

Try our brew recipe. Or create your own


Dose: 22g
Yield: 44g
Extraction ratio: 1 : 2
Extraction time: 28 - 32 seconds
Water temperature: 93.5oC

About the recipe

We used the Victoria Arduino Eagle One Prima and the Mythos MYG75 grinder to create this recipe for you. Try to replicate this recipe on your equipment or create your very own.

The dose is the amount of ground coffee that goes into the filter basket of your portafilter. Filter baskets come in different sizes. The size of your portafilter determines how much coffee (fill weight) it can hold. You don’t want to overfill or underfill the basket, as it will compromise the extraction.

The yield is how much delicious coffee you extract or, in order words, ends up in your cup.

And because you may have a different basket size than ours, you want to use a yield based on your dose and the given extraction ratio.

The extraction time tells you if the water has enough time to extract all the tasty goodness in the coffee. Adjusting your grind size will help you to achieve the suggested time in our recipe. You want to grind finer if you extract a yield in a shorter time. And grind coarser if you achieve the yield in a longer time than suggested.

Join our training courses.

Want to learn more about how to extract a tasty espresso? Join us for a fun and hands-on training course at our roastery.

Ethiopian coffee berries

Legend has it

Ever wondered how coffee was discovered?

Coffee is believed to have been discovered in Ethiopia in the 9th century, where legend has it that a humble goat herder named Kaldi wandering the lush highlands of Ethiopia, noticed his goats became more energetic after eating the berries of a certain plant. Intrigued, Kaldi decided to sample the berries himself and was amazed by their stimulating effect.

Word of this amazing discovery soon spread throughout the land, and Kaldi found himself sharing his findings with the local monastery. The abbot, curious about the goatherd's claims, decided to brew a drink with the berries and was astounded by the results. The drink kept him alert and focused through the long hours of evening prayer, and soon the entire monastery was buzzing with newfound energy. As news of the energizing berries continued to spread, it eventually reached the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, marking the beginning of a global trade that would shape the world as we know it today.

Thanks to Kaldi's curious mind and the power of the humble coffee bean, we can all enjoy the delicious and invigorating brew that has become a cornerstone of our daily lives.

We explain the supply chain of Ethiopian coffees.

Ethiopian smallholder farmers delivering fresh harvested coffee beans to washing station

Produced by smallholder farmers.

This delicious Ethiopian coffee is produced by smallholder farmers located around the village of Idido in the Yirgacheffe region. Smallholder farmers plant their coffee often on land parcels as little as 1/8 hectare on average, producing 1.5 to 6 bags of coffee.

After harvest, smallholders sell their coffee to the local washing station in Idido. That’s why coffees are only traceable to the washing station. The coffee is aggregated, sorted, and then processed at the washing station.

Ethiopian coffee beans dried on sunbeds

The supply chain of Ethiopian coffees.

Private washing stations

About 90% of the coffee in Ethiopia is produced by
smallholder farmers. These smallholders deliver their freshly harvested cherries to a privately owned washing station nearby.

Washing stations then process the coffee. Natural-processed Ethiopian coffees are dried on sunbeds, whereas washed coffees are pulp, washed, and dried.

Many owners of washing stations have an export licence. That means they are allowed to sell their coffee directly on the international market under the condition that they have a contract.

This coffee can be traced back to the Arsosola washing station.

The supply chain of Ethiopian coffees.

Ethiopian Commodity Exchange 'ECX'

Washing stations without export licenses or unsold coffees
from washing stations with an export license are required to sell their coffee through the ECX platform.

The ECX classifies the coffee according to a basic potential
cup score (Q1 for the highest quality, Q2, Q3 etc..) and location (Guji, Yirgacheffe, Harrar etc.). The coffee is then sold to licensed exporters through public daily auctions in Addis Ababa.

Primary Cooperatives and large farms (>30ha) are allowed
to export their coffee directly without going through the ECX.

dry milling of Ethiopian coffee beans

The supply chain of Ethiopian coffees.

Dry-mill and exporter

The exporter located in Ethiopia typically takes care of the dry-milling of the coffee. This involves removing any part of unwanted materials such as fibers, metals, stones, and sticks before polishing the coffee beans, and then sorting for size, density and colour. The sorted uniform coffee beans are bagged and ready for shipment.

natural process of Ethiopian coffee beans

The natural (dry) process explained.

What is a natural processed coffee?

Because coffee beans grow inside a fruit (the coffee cherry), after harvest, it takes multiple steps to seperate the coffee beans from their surrounding fruit flesh. In the world of coffee we call this the ‘processing method’. And how the coffee is processed has a huge effect on what ends up in your cup.


Once the ripe coffee cherries have been picked, they are spread out to dry in the sun with the fruit flesh surrounding the coffee beans left intact. That allows the beans inside the coffee cherries to draw in all those yummy fruit flavours and sweetness.


The coffee cherries are regularly raked to allow even air circulation and slow even drying. The fruit flesh dries around the coffee bean. Sun-drying can take between 10 - 14 days (depending on the local climate) until a moisture level between 10 - 12% is reached.


The coffee beans are finally ‘hulled’ to remove the dried fruit flesh surrounding the beans.
The coffee beans are now ready to be sorted for size, density and colour before being bagged and shipped.

where coffee is grown in Ethiopia. Ethiopian coffee growing map.

The coffee growing regions of Ethiopia.

Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe region.

In a country that has thousands of varietals of coffee, what makes Yirgacheffe coffee unique? It's all thanks to the altitude of the mountains in southern Ethiopia where this coffee is grown. The high altitude makes it even tougher for coffee plants to produce beans, but that's what makes Yirgacheffe so special. The trees have to work harder to bear fruit, resulting in a longer maturation period for the beans. And because they spend more time on the tree, they have more time to absorb flavours, resulting in a fuller and more developed taste. Yirgacheffe coffee is giving you some of the finest flavours Ethiopia has to offer. It's a must-try for coffee lovers!

What does Yirgacheffe mean?

 It is believed that the name "Yirgacheffe" emerged from the Amharic language, one of Ethiopia's official languages. It's said to mean "Place of Abundant Trees" or "Land of Many Trees," and it's easy to see why. The region is blessed with an abundance of trees, and the lush greenery creates a stunning landscape. The verdant vegetation and forested areas are a testament to the fertility of the soil, which lends itself to the growth of world-class coffee.